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(513) 960-5558

Ensuring Electrical Safety Excellence

Your Trusted Electrical Contractor for Safe and Reliable Solutions

Electrical Safety

a man is holding a clipboard and a pen in front of an electrical box .

Home Electrical Safety Inspection

We carry out a thorough examination of your entire electrical layout to ensure that all electrical wiring, appliances, and/or systems meet legal electrical safety standards.

Fixit Electric use the National Electrical Code (NEC) as our primary guideline when inspecting your home. The NEC is the code all electricians must operate under, for standards, across the United States.

Upon completion of the home electrical inspection, Fixit Electric will provide a prioritized and detailed checklist - including areas in need of immediate attention, areas of improvement, and any upgrade possibilities.

Whole House Surge Protection

Surge protection isn’t just simply a plugging your devices into a low-cost, multi-outlet surge suppressor. True home protection should hard wired into the main electrical panel by a licensed electrician.

Whole House Surge Protection is truly the most reliable way to preserve your home office and electrical appliances / devices. If you want to protect your home, schedule an appointment with Fixit Electric today.

a plug is plugged into a light switch on a wall .
a person is plugging a device into an electrical outlet .

GFCI Outlet Installation and Replacement

Tired of being shocked by out-of-date outlet? Then its time to upgrade with Fixit Electric.

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI), protect you from being shocked. GFCI outlet installation provides an affordable solution to preventing electrical shock and ensures your house or home office is up to modern code and home standards.

Electrical Panel Upgrades

The electrical panel controls the electricity flowing through your home. If there’s too much electricity on a circuit, a circuit breaker is tripped to stop electricity from overloading a wire. An overload can cause an electrical fire, so it’s the job of the panel to break the circuit and control the electricity in the system to keep your home and family safe.

a person is working on an electrical box with a screwdriver .

Knowledgeable Electricians

Don't leave your electrical needs to chance; choose the best in the business. Let Fixit Electric brighten your day at the flip of a switch. Reach out to us for a free estimate and experience the difference of working with Hamilton, OH's premier electrical contractor. Your safety and satisfaction are paramount to our success

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Proudly Serving the Greater Cincinnati Area:

Butler County        Hamilton County        Warren County

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